Production certification
Certification is a process of confirmation of production compliance to the norms, specifications and technical documentation requirements. Certification can be carried out only by the accredited agencies of certification.
According to the Government resolution No. 982 of December 1, 2009, some types of goods are subject of obligatory certification. If the producer (supplier) doesn’t make out the certificate on this type of production, according to Administrative Code of the Russian Federation it is considered administrative violation.
In case production isn’t a subject of obligatory certification it is possible to carry out voluntary certification for increase of competitiveness.
Certification of goods and services
Certification of goods and services is a difficult multistage system which sometimes happens difficult to understand for businessmen. Before addressing legal services in production certification you want to understand what is really needed and what can be ignored. After all the conditions are individual for each market. On some types of goods certification is required to be carried out without fail, on others it is possible to receive the voluntary certificate, one production is subject to obligatory fire certification, another is of obligatory state registration. We would like to acquaint readers with some types of certification for that they imagined existing system better.
The certificate of conformity
The certificate of conformity is the official document certifying that production or service conforms to state standards, requirements of technical regulations, specifications or conditions of contracts. The certificate of conformity exists for the state quality control and safety of production before production gets to the market. There are such versions of certificates of conformity as the certificate of conformity of GOST and the certificate of the Technical Regulations. The certificate of conformity to the technical regulations is rather new document which appeared in connection with gradual change of certifying system in Russia. The system of the Technical Regulations is a certification system which comes instead of a system of certification of GOST R, however the Technical Regulations haven’te entered on all types of production yet therefore for a certain row of goods it is necessary to make out GOST certificate of conformity.
The Hygiene Certificate
The Hygiene Certificate is a document which certifies hygienic and sanitary and epidemiologic safety of production. Till July 1, 2010, it was necessary to make out the sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion, at present time there are two certification documents by means of which it is possible to testify compliance of production to hygienic norms. They are an expert opinion and the certificate on the state registration. The complete list of production which is subject to registration of these documents, contains in “The unified inventory, subject to sanitary and epidemiologic supervision (control) on customs border and the customs territory of the Customs Union” (The decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of May 28, 2010 No. 299). It should be noted that in certain cases such documents as the certificate of conformity and the declaration on compliance are impossible without existence of the certificate on the state registration.
The Fire certificate
The Fire certificate on safety is the document confirming production compliance to the requirements and norms of the fire services which are regulated by technical regulations “About requirements of fire safety” (The Federal law No. 123 of July 22, 2008). For some types of production this certificate is required to be provided before registration of the certificate of conformity (the declaration on compliance).